Database Project

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Database information:

Cover Page
Table of Contents
Datadate tables
E-R Diagram
Running Queries Example #1
Running Queries Example #2

The following is a listing of the turples in the database by table. Some fields were omitted because they were irrelevant to the queries presented.:

mysql> select * from celebrity;
| performerID |
|           0 |
|           1 |
|           2 |
|           3 |
|           4 |
|           5 |
|           6 |
|           7 |
|           8 |
|           9 |
|          10 |
|          11 |
|          12 |
|          13 |
|          14 |
|          15 |
|          16 |
|          17 |
|          18 |
|          19 |
20 rows in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> select * from diskJockey;
| performerID |
|           0 |
|           1 |
|           2 |
|           3 |
|           4 |
|           5 |
|           6 |
|           7 |
|           8 |
|           9 |
|          10 |
|          11 |
|          12 |
|          13 |
|          14 |
|          15 |
|          16 |
|          17 |
|          18 |
|          19 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from favoriteDJ;
| performerID | name           |
|           4 | bill clinton   |
|           5 | bill clinton   |
|           7 | bill clinton   |
|          10 | bill clinton   |
|          10 | freddie kruger |
|          11 | freddie kruger |
|          15 | freddie kruger |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from favoriteLocation;
| name             | locationID |
| donjuan do marco |          6 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select locationID,name from location;
| locationID | name           |
|          1 | Club Birder    |
|          2 | pub            |
|          3 | metro          |
|          4 | citycafe       |
|          5 | pearl street   |
|          6 | st joes        |
|          7 | fantasy island |
|          8 | the rock       |
|          9 | the matrix     |
|         10 | momba          |
|         11 | maybe          |
|         12 | ABC            |
|         13 | antonios       |
|         14 | rockafella     |
|         15 | felicity       |
|         16 | ricoreel       |
|         17 | st thomas      |
|         18 | walmart        |
|         19 | smartpants     |
|         20 | slimmy         |

mysql> select * from performances;
| locationID | location | date       | time | promotionsGroups | performerID |
|          0 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13456 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13457 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13458 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13459 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13460 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13461 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13462 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13463 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13464 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13465 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13466 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13467 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13468 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13469 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13470 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13471 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13472 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13473 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|      13474 | NULL     | NULL       | NULL |                  |        NULL |
|          1 | 6        | 1999-01-01 | NULL |                  |          10 |
|          2 | 8        | 2000-10-11 | NULL |                  |           8 |
|          3 | 2        | 2000-05-30 | NULL | tomorrow produc  |           4 |
|          4 | 10       | 1999-08-21 | NULL | infinity produc  |           9 |
|          5 | 12       | 2000-12-01 | NULL |                  |          13 |
25 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name, genre,email,performerID from performers;
| name  | genre      | email               | performerID |
| name  | genre      | email               |           1 |
| don   | hiphop and | 111@hotmail.com     |           2 |
| jon   | house      | 222@hotmail.com     |           3 |
| fon   | techno     | 3131@hotmail.com    |           4 |
| ron   | "hiphop ,  | afdfd2@hotmail.com  |           5 |
| son   | country    | hfghdf1@hotmail.com |           6 |
| lon   | country    | bbb@hotmail.com     |           7 |
| pod   | house      | vvvvvv@hotmail.com  |           8 |
| dop   | "latin, af | mert@hotmail.com    |           9 |
| rouge | carribean  | wow1@hotmail.com    |          10 |
| dog   | polish     | one@hotmail.com     |          11 |
| bill  | "dance, ho | 111@hotmail.com     |          12 |
| jill  | "house, hi | 222@hotmail.com     |          13 |
| san   | hiphop and | 88@!hotmail.com     |          14 |
| dave  | hiphop and | 221112@hotmail.com  |          15 |
| david | house      | jack@hotrmail.com   |          16 |
| donny | techno     | mary@hotmail.com    |          17 |
| bonny | "hiphop ,  | stip@hotmail.com    |          18 |
| sonny | country    | rick@hotmail.com    |          19 |
| lonny | country    | wwww@hotmail.com    |          20 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name, genre,residentCity,members,clubsPromoted from promotionGroups;
| name                 | genre      | residentCity | members              | clubsPromoted          |
| fantasy prod         | hiphop and | New York     | axis                 | axis                   |
| crazy productions    | house      | Boston       | insomnia             | insomnia               |
| clueles productions  | techno     | Los Angeles  | "avalon, metro"      | "avalon, metro"        |
| winding prod         | "hiphop ,  | London       | citycafe             | citycafe               |
| flamboyant prod      | country    | Framingham   | the pub              | the pub                |
| honey prod           | country    | New York     | "pruddys, delanos"   | "pruddys, delanos"     |
| stupid prod          | house      | Boston       | kai                  | kai                    |
| moody prod           | "latin, af | Los Angeles  | mama                 | mama                   |
| datahazard productio | carribean  | London       | dfalfa               | dfalfa                 |
| help productions     | polish     | Framingham   | nomore               | nomore                 |
| tomorrow productions | "dance, ho | New York     | idiea                | idiea                  |
| infinity productions | "house, hi | Boston       | kilili               | kilili                 |
| standby productions  | hiphop and | Los Angeles  | chochoc              | chochoc                |
| crappy productions   | hiphop and | London       | "wil, aka, reieo"    | "wil, aka, reieo"      |
| dumb production      | house      | Framingham   | "men, women, childre | "men, women, children" |
| foolish productions  | techno     | New York     | "crazy, sexy , cool" | "crazy, sexy , cool"   |
| tiredofthis producti | "hiphop ,  | Boston       | cooleyhighharmony    | cooleyhighharmony      |
| needabreak productio | country    | Los Angeles  | now                  | now                    |
| whoa productions     | country    | London       | "black, white, yello | "black, white, yellow" |
19 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name,address,phone,email,dataOfBirth from users;
| name               | address                  | phone        | email               | dataOfBirth |
| john frank         | 3 jump drive             | (413)3242277 | 111@hotmail.com     | 2011-12-13  |
| james bond         | shaken not stirred drive | (413)3242223 | 222@hotmail.com     | 2011-12-14  |
| john rambo         | 23 psycho drive          | (413)1242224 | 3131@hotmail.com    | 2011-12-15  |
| ben franklin       | 54th street              | (343)3242225 | afdfd2@hotmail.com  | 2011-12-16  |
| bill clinton       | the white house          | (000)3242226 | hfghdf1@hotmail.com | 2011-12-17  |
| bill cosby         | 21 huckstable drive      | (122)3242227 | bbb@hotmail.com     | 2011-12-18  |
| jacky robinson     | 34 baseball avenue       | (111)3242228 | vvvvvv@hotmail.com  | 2011-12-19  |
| mike tyson         | 13 tastyearlobes st.     | (413)3247777 | mert@hotmail.com    | 2011-12-20  |
| ted danson         | 44 cousins avenu         | (413)3211111 | wow1@hotmail.com    | 2011-12-21  |
| franklin roosevelt | 55th street              | (553)3242231 | one@hotmail.com     | 2011-12-22  |
| whoopi goldberg    | 44 cousins avenu         | (467)3242232 | 111@hotmail.com     | 2011-12-23  |
| johnny carson      | 111 northames street     | (060)3242233 | 222@hotmail.com     | 2011-12-24  |
| micheal jordan     | 12 airtraffic street     | (636)3242234 | 88@!hotmail.com     | 2011-12-25  |
| whitney houston    | 42 ilikebobby st.        | (808)3242235 | 221112@hotmail.com  | 2011-12-26  |
| freddie kruger     | 13 death lane            | (131)3242236 | jack@hotrmail.com   | 2011-12-27  |
| mickey mouse       | 27 fantasy land          | (413)3245754 | mary@hotmail.com    | 2011-12-28  |
| bugs bunny         | 27 fantasy land          | (999)3242238 | stip@hotmail.com    | 2011-12-29  |
| willie nelson      | 29 fantasy land          | (417)3242239 | rick@hotmail.com    | 2011-12-30  |
| donjuan de marco   | 30 lovers lane           | (913)3242240 | wwww@hotmail.com    | 2011-12-31  |

Copyright © 2000 by Seren, Emeka Onodugo & Andy Wolan
Click here for contact information.
This page Last updated on: 12-18-00