Welcome! Welcome to the official project website of Group #3: TeamX. For our class project, we have selected the option of designing a database. To make it more interesting, the database has been made accessible online via MySQL and PHP scripting. The goal of our project is to create an online database for those looking for a club in their area. If we had the time to fully implement our ideas, you would be able to search not only by location, but by genre, DJ, even those visited by famous celebrities! You would even be able to join our userbase for special promotions and offers. Of course most of this has not been implemented, (we have an operating bugdet of about $0 for special promotions,) but it should give you a taste of what we were striving for. For information behind the internals of the project, check-out the project information section of the site. Enjoy the site! Things to Do: Insert Data - Page where you can enter data into the database. Query Data - Page showing off some complex queries into the database. Project Info - Technical Information about the project we feel we can make public. Contact Info - Information on contacting the staff that has made $1M off this database design... |